Sunday, May 22, 2005

Step 2 out of 4

Well, we've done steps 1 and 2 on Friday. Friday morning Dogger had his EKG, I got to be in the room for was neat to watch! And then he had his Bone Marrow Biopsy. The doctor who did it, Laura, was wonderful! She said I could stay in the room, so I sat in the corner out of everyone's way and Dogger's eyeline so he wouldn't worry about me.

Dogger said as far as these things go (and he's had some really bad experiences with them) this was as close to painless as you could get. They were very pleased with the amount of fluid they were able to extract for testing (last time they barely got a couple of drops!) and the core sample they took for testing looked great too! So all in all it went very, very well. We should get the results in about 2 weeks. They'll be checking for donor cells vs his (chaimerism), any signs of the cancer and graft vs host disease. So fingers crossed and prayers said that everything continues to come back with good news!

Monday he goes back to Moffitt to get his Hickman line removed. He's all done with his IV's and once that's out, he'll be able to take normal showers again! I can't tell you how much he's looking forward to that! (And he won't be so self-conscious about what shirts to wear so you can't "see" it.)

He'll also have his 90 day full body CT scan this week, it was scheduled for Friday with Moffitt, but we're trying to have it done here in Sarasota. I've got to call and get that scheduled. Thursday he goes back to see our Oncologist for the first time since January! Everyone is looking forward to seeing him and how well he's doing and looking. He'll see them weekly for labs and followup and then our doctor at Moffitt once a month for follow-up.

So we move closer and closer to the healing stage as we make our way back to "normal".

Thank you, as always, for all of your prayers, love and good thoughts. We know how invaluable they are, have been and continue to be.

With love...Us


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