Monday, May 30, 2005

News and Updates

We're still waiting on Dogger's full biopsy results, the first go round shows that his Bone Marrow contains no cancer cells! This is HUGE! This means that his body can only reproduce healthy cells to go out into his body and fight off the cancer that is hiding there. But he continues to get stronger and healthier day by day and that's what we're working towards!

He's in the hospital right now. He went in Thursday morning. He had an appointment with our oncologist and wasn't feeling great, so he got there early. They immediately got him into the hospital as it was obvious he had an infection and needed to get treatment. (He picked up something and the infection had settled in his nose.) They started antibiotics, did CT and CAT scans and everything is clean. One of his blood cultures did test positive for infection, so he's been on 3 different types of antibiotics to treat it. His nose is almost back down to normal and is clearing up well.

Depending on how things go this morning, he may be released today. He's being very good and not getting impatient about coming home because he wants to get this cleared up properly before leaving the hospital. I'm very proud of him for that!

We should know the rest of his biopsy results I would think by next week. So fingers crossed that there are still more donor cells than his and that his disease is either holding or retreating. But the fact that his bone marrow is clean is the first big step on this path. I'm so thrilled I can't put it into words!

Thank you for your prayers, loving thoughts and phone calls. We know the power that prayer can hold, and we are forever grateful for every single one.

A side note, my dear friend Emily & her wonderful husband are on this walk and if you would please add them to your prayers, I know it would mean a lot not only to us but to them as well. She and her wonderful husband are "good people" and I know it would be of great comfort.

Thank you, as always. With love, Dogger & Lee Ann


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