Wow! Hard to believe, but we are at the 30 day mark! Lots of things are going on right
now...L O T S !
Last night Aunt Glenda arrived! YEAH! What a wonderful sight to see her at the airport. I wanted to cry. Just knowing that he's in good hands when I can't be there, I can't tell you how well I slept last night, truly, for the first time in a long time. I truly admire my Aunt Glenda. She's a stunningly beautiful woman, inside and out. She's so strong. She's lived her life and makes no bones about it. She's definitely the type of woman I hope that I am or become. (I hope that makes sense.)
Anyways, she arrived safe and sound last night after a very long flight. We got the chance to visit for a bit. While I was getting her, Dogger was back at Moffitt. The doctor's wanted to see him when he called in to let them know that his face was pinkish (kind of like a mild sunburn or windburn, depending on what season you're currently experiencing). Turns out it was the beginning of graft vs host disease. This is something they told us would most likely happen and that the longer out you went without it, the smaller the odds of it happening. Well, Day 30 and we're there. But we're taking it as a sign that things are working and something is happening for the positive (please Dear God, please). The doctor said that he'd see Dogger the following day and they'd get him started on medication to take care of it (prednazone).
So today was his Bone Marrow Biopsy. This is where I'm going to take the opportunity to say, please say a prayer for Dogger. The doctors office told us it would take a couple of weeks to get the results (that saves me from biting my fingernails for a bit). But when they get the results, they need to find Christian's cells growing, multiplying and doing their thing. (Between Dogger's cells and Christian's, they need to find Christian's. This means that the transplant is working and doing what its supposed to do.) So please think C's cells in there.
The biopsy was uncomfortable and he's feeling it this afternoon, but he's got some pain medication to take and will hopefully be back up to speed in a few days. They also took some skin samples from his chest as well to study and mark. The doctor got him started on his meds for the gvhd and he started that this afternoon.
So hopefully by this weekend he'll be feeling better. Spirits are still good and all things considered, we definitely count ourselves very blessed and fortunate to be the recepients of so many prayers. We know the power of them and are very grateful for them.
Thank you for all of your good thoughts. We hope that you are receiving back what you are providing to us many times over.
Much love, L