I'm very sorry that I have been so remiss in keeping this blog updated. Dogger was home by early May and went back to work 3 weeks ago. The fact that I was able to keep him home almost 6 months, well I was surprised.
He had 6 month CT & PET scans done about 2 1/2 weeks ago and we've been waiting on the results...he finally got them yesterday for our oncologist.
It's a first...EVER! For the first time since diagnosis in 1999, Dogger is officially in REMISSION!
Thank you so very much for all of your kind thoughts, prayers and words. We know that this would not have been possible without so many people, known and unknown, praying for him. And thank you seems like so small of a way to repay that kindness.
We now look forward to all the time in the world! The first big peak has been climbed. And now we make our way to the next peak...the "c" word. Cured.